Automated Systems in Aircraft Performance, Inc.

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Short Company Description
Electronic Flight Bag solution integrating runway analysis, weight & balance, flight planning and drift down analysis into one simple and easy to use application available through both the web and iPad application. STAR has the ability to perform lateral imbalance checks and dynamic CG curtailment based on the actual loading of the aircraft. Pricing starts as low as $75 per tail number.
Full Company Description

ASAP was founded in 1995 to provide aircraft operators with efficient aircraft performance engineering services. Focused on takeoff/landing and weight & balance performance, the company became the leading provider of these services. The goal of ASAP is to assist all types of operators with modern software-generated analysis that encompassed all airport characteristics, obstacle data-sets, airplane takeoff and landing configurations along with pertinent MEL’s and CDL’s. Our software is developed in house by on staff degreed aerospace engineers. Custom programming can be done to tailor the software for your specific operation at an agreeable fee. Our staff is always available for consultation in order to maximize company revenue.

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