Today, Cargo Facts releases its most significant website redesign and relaunch since the site initially launched into cyberspace in March 2010.
We hope you love the new Cargo Facts website.
When we first took Cargo Facts online, we did our best to maintain the feel and form of the monthly newsletter readers like you had grown familiar with over the years. Now, more than seven years later, web-based publishing capabilities have expanded dramatically, and we decided it was time to not only update the look and feel of our website, but also to take advantage of the video, database, and other multimedia functions at our disposal.
To that end, the site has been reimagined. We have added a new Data section that will feature Freighter Aircraft Transaction (FAT) data alongside an up-to-date list of the reports offered by the consulting practice of Air Cargo Management Group (ACMG, Cargo Facts’ parent). As we enter our seventh year of presenting a conference in Asia, it also seemed appropriate to provide information on both of our annual symposiums under an Events tab. Last, but not least, we are excited at the opportunities to reach new audiences through our Chinese-language microsite, 空运通讯.
So, as we embark on this new beta and new chapter, we ask for your suggestions and feedback — good and bad.
Please send me your comments and ideas at